Parish Life and Beyond
Epiphany Feast of Light — Sunday January 5, at 5:00 p.m. we will offer a new service, A Feast of Lights for Epiphany. This service celebrates in lessons and music the light of Christ come into the world, being made manifest through the appearance of the Wise Men, Jesus’ Baptism in the River Jordan, and his first miracle at the wedding in Cana. Much of it is done be candlelight as we prepare to carry the light of Christ into the world. This is a family-friendly service and also one to which we can invite friends and neighbors. Pre-service music begins at 4:45 p.m. A Twelfth Night Party follows in the Great Hall
Epiphany Day is Monday, January 6th. We will offer a Sung Mass at 7:00 p.m. at the High Altar.
Little Red Wagon Sunday — Next Sunday, January 12th, is our monthly ingathering of non-perishable food for the Sycamore Collaborative. Please bring your contributions to the back of the church any time between now and then.
The Annual Meeting of St. George’s Church will be held on next Sunday, January 12th, after Sunday Mass beginning around 11:30 a.m. A brunch will be served during the meeting.
Book Club to Host Local Historian!—How did they “call the midwife” before telephones? It’s a good question, and one that might best be answered by Anne Clothier! An historical reenacting colleague of Fr. Tom’s, Anne has chosen maternal health in the Colonial era as her area of focus. When she learned that several St. George’s parishioners are reading “Frozen River,” Anne eagerly volunteered to attend the discussion and share insights on the life of Martha Moore Ballard, an American midwife and the heroine of the historical novel. All are invited to sit in on the session, January 19 after worship, even if you have not read “Frozen River.” It’s a great opportunity to make Anne’s acquaintance and learn more about the challenges our 18th century predecessors faced.
Looking Ahead
Sunday, February 2nd — Candlemas Procession and Solemn High Choral Mass — 10:00 a.m. High Altar
Sunday, February 23rd — Choral Evensong — 5:00 p.m. High Altar
Pre-service organ music begins at 4:45 p.m.
Prayer List — If you have a name that you would like added to the prayer list please email the church office at and we will insure that this person will be remembered in the prayers.
Parish Ministry Schedules posted online — The most recent schedule of greeters, lectors, counters, and altar guild is published online. If you are interested in serving as a lector, greeter, counter, or acolyte, please speak to Fr. Pettigrew or email him at for more information.
Shape Note Singing: All are welcome to experience the joy of singing together the beautiful a cappella harmonies and stirring songs of the Sacred Harp, a tune book and hymnal published in Georgia in 1844 and used in community singing throughout the world. We sing in the Great Hall on Saturday afternoons from 1-3:30pm. For schedule updates or more information, please contact Tarik Wareh or visit