Wardens & Vestry of St. George’s Church

The Wardens and Vestry comprise the first and often the most visible line of the laity’s leadership in the parish.
Tending to “things temporal”, the Vestry works within the structure of the Canons of The Episcopal Church, the Canons of the diocese, and NYS law to oversee the parish property, collection and disbursement of funds and the calling and care of a Rector.
Wardens provide Vestry leadership, preside over parish affairs in the absence of a Rector, facilitate communication within the parish and often act as a bridge between a Rector and the congregation.
Both Wardens and Vestry members give sacrificially of their time, talent and treasure, basing their work on a broad foundation of prayer, worship and stewardship.
Wardens are eligible to serve two consecutive two-year terms. Vestry members are eligible to serve two consecutive three-year terms.
David Kennison | 2nd term expires 2026 | |
Paul Smigelski | 1st term expires 2027 |
Carol Gaige | 2nd term expires 2026 |
Gloria Kishton | 1st term expires 2026 |
Michael Todt | Partial term expires 2026 |
Jeffrey Wengrovius, Finance Chair | 2nd term expires 2027 |
Kevin Decker | 1st term expires 2027 |
Jerry Trant | 1st term expires 2027 |
Alyssa Carlson | 1st term expires 2028 |
Robert Paska | 1st term expires 2028 |
Kimberly Polner | 1st term expires 2028 |
Each Warden and Vestry member has a direct area of responsibility as head or member of a committee. They organize the resources within the Vestry, the congregation and the community to achieve their goals.
Vestry Meeting Minutes
Vestry Minutes December 21, 2023
Vestry Minutes November 16, 2023
Annual Meeting Information
Annual Meeting January 21, 2024 MINUTES
Annual Meeting Booklet January 21, 2024
Annual Meeting, January 22, 2023, MINUTES
Annual Meeting, January 22, 2023, REPORT PACKET
Annual Meeting Minutes January 23, 2022
Annual Meeting report January 23, 2022
Annual Meeting Minutes January 31, 2021