WELCOME VISITORS! We’d like to extend a warm welcome to our visitors today. Whether you live in our area and decided to worship with us today or if you are visiting from out of town, we offer you a warm Georgian welcome! There are visitor cards in most of the pews and we ask that you fill one out and give it to the Greeters at the door or simply drop it in the offering plate. We’d love to see you again. Our Sunday Mass is at 10am. Details are on our website, www.stgeorgesschenectady.org. Details are on our website, www.stgeorgesschenectady.com.

COFFEE HOUR Please join us for coffee hour after Mass in the Great Hall. Snacks, along with hot and
cold drinks are available during this time of fellowship.

Parish Life

Sunday School is underway —  Instruction will be based on the Episcopal Children’s Curriculum. Unit 1 is
entitled God’s Chosen People and will be our focus until All Saints Day. All children in 1st-6th grades ae invited to join. No sign up required! Children wishing to participate will meet their teacher, Mrs. Sharon Trant, in the back of the church immediately after receiving communion or a blessing at the altar rail. We will all meet in the Shaw Lounge during coffee hour (next to Great Hall) for approximately 40 minutes using a one room school house approach. The lesson will be taught together followed by age appropriate activities after the lesson. Any parents or adults wishing to assist with a class or two are very welcome and very needed. Please contact Sharon at Sharontrant928@gmail.com with any questions or concerns.

PRAYER LIST — If you have a name that you would like added to the prayer list please email the church office at office@StGeorgesSchenectady.org and we will insure that this person will be remembered in the prayers.

Looking Ahead

Foyers Dinner Groups:  New groups have started.  If you didn’t sign up, and you are interested in joining, we can probably find a slot for you.  Contact Meredith Ewbank.

Christmas Services — As you begin to make your plans for celebrating the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, here are the principal liturgies for Christmastide.

Tuesday, December 24th — Family Christmas Service: Low Mass with carols — 4:00 p.m. Lady Chapel

Tuesday, December 24th — Solemn Mass for Christmas Eve — 10:00 p.m. High Altar

– Carol Concert precedes the Mass at 9:30 p.m.

Wednesday, December 25th — Sung Mass for Christmas Day — 11:00 a.m. High Altar

Sunday, January 5th — A Feast of Lights for the Eve of the Epiphany — 5:00 p.m. High Altar

Parish Outreach

YWCA SHELTER Item request update!

Each quarter we collect items for the YWCA. After our most recent donation, we received an updated request. In addition to personal hygiene items such as shampoo, conditioner, menstrual products, etc. the YWCA is now asking for NEW children’s underwear of all sizes.

Contributions may be brought to the back of the church any time. Our next donation will be made on December 8th.


The next ingathering of foods for the food pantry at the Sycamore Collaborative will be December 8th.

Parish Life & Beyond…

Prayer List –  If you have a name that you would like added to the prayer list please email the church office at office@stgeorgesschenectady.org and we will insure that this person will be remembered in the prayers.

PARISH MINISTRY SCHEDULES POSTED ONLINE — The schedule of greeters, lectors, counters, and altar guild is published online. If you are interested in serving as a lector, greeter, counter, or acolyte, please speak to Fr. Pettigrew or email him at rector@StGeorgesSchenectady.org for more information.  For the schedule, visit:  https://stgeorgesschenectady.com/news/bulletins/.


We have some study groups that are ongoing and open to new people joining them:

On Tuesday mornings at 9:00 a.m., after Morning Prayer, we will offer a lectionary study group where members will read and discuss the lessons for the upcoming Sunday. Opportunity will be given to ask questions or give feedback from the previous Sunday’s Sermon. Meetings are held in Cranmer House.

On Thursdays after the Healing Mass, around 6:45 p.m. (except on Vestry nights), we will offer a theological reading group in Cranmer House.

SHAPE NOTE SINGING: All are welcome to experience the joy of singing together the beautiful a cappella harmonies and stirring songs of the Sacred Harp, a tune book and hymnal published in Georgia in 1844 and used in community singing throughout the world. We sing in the Great Hall on Saturday afternoons from 1-3:30pm. For schedule updates or more information, please contact Tarik Wareh or visit www.albanysacredharp.org

Around the Diocese of Albany

Christ the King Center

Christ the King is the Diocesan owned retreat center and camp. Christ the King offers many programs and retreat opportunities throughout the year. Check out their events page by clicking below:

Christ the King Events Page