Outreach Forum
Sunday, October 30th – Immediately following our 10AM Mass, Georgians took part in an Outreach Forum led by Outreach Chairman, Paul Smigelski. We discussed [...]
Sunday, October 30th – Immediately following our 10AM Mass, Georgians took part in an Outreach Forum led by Outreach Chairman, Paul Smigelski. We discussed [...]
Sunday, October 9th – Thanks to Meg Hughes for coordinating a Field Trip to Johnstown NY. First stop: Partner’s Pub for lunch. Second stop: Johnson [...]
Sunday, October 2nd – St. George’s Annual BLESSING OF THE PETS took place at 3PM at the West Doors of the Church, with David Kennison [...]
Saturday, September 10th – As usual, St. George’s Café at the Stockade Art Show was a success….from good food, beverages and socialization on our [...]
SUNDAY, AUGUST 14TH – Commemorating the Feast Day of St. Mary the Virgin, mother of Jesus….Chris Henry created this beautiful Marian remembrance that was [...]
SUNDAY, JUNE 19TH – St. George’s celebrated Corpus Christi at our 10AM Mass….with canopy bearers and the Very Reverend Marshal J. Vang processing around [...]
Saturday, June 11th - The Very Reverend Father Leander S. Harding presided over the Renewal of Wedding Vows and Blessing of a Marriage by [...]
Friday, June 3-Sunday, June 5 – This year’s convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Albany was held at Silver Bay on Lake George. David [...]
Thursday, May 26th – Father Thomas Pettigrew, guest celebrant at our Ascension Day (High) Mass at 7PM, also baptized baby Tucker Devis Ceci and [...]
SATURDAY MAY 14th – Another Georgian workday as parishioners dismantled an eyesore float that had been used in several area parades in past years, [...]