Historic St. George’s Church
The Mother Church of the Mohawk Valley, Schenectady, New York

St. George’s Church is a Christian community of love and grace for all people. We are an inclusive parish church, where all persons, regardless of race, gender, orientation, or economic status are welcome and encouraged to participate fully in the ministry of the church. We are vibrant and joyous Christian family with a historic past reaching back to Colonial America, and a deep commitment to live the apostolic faith in new and creative ways today.
We are a sacramental community. The Holy Eucharist is the heart of our life and ministry. The Holy Eucharist is celebrated on Sundays and during the week as the community’s chief act of praise and thanksgiving. With excellent liturgy and church music, engaging preaching, and friendly people, George’s Church places her first emphasis upon the Worship of Almighty God in the High Church Anglo-Catholic tradition of Anglicanism. In addition to the Mass, we pray daily for the needs of parishioners, our community and the world. All parishioners are encouraged to pray the Divine Office daily, wherever they may, praying especially for the mission and ministry of St. George’s Church.
Christian education is very important in St. George’s Church. We have a seminary trained clergy and educated lay leaders who teach the faith in lively and interesting ways through our Church School, mid-week studies, quiet days, The Howe Lecture Series, Preaching Missions, and seminars which are offered throughout the year. Programs like the Kerygma Bible Studies, Credo, Rector’s Forums, Inquirers Classes, First Communion classes, are excellent opportunities to develop our understanding of the Christian life. We continue to be committed to an ongoing ecumenical and community ministry for the nurture and development of persons in the Capitol District. As a parish of the Episcopal Church, our goal is to be a liturgically, Biblically, and theologically literate sacramental community of faith engaged in servanthood ministry.
In Summary, as Historic St. George’s Church we understand the New Testament model of the Body of Christ, the church, to be a sacramental community of worship, prayer, fellowship and servant hood ministry. Supported by the Saints, we offer a lively faith. Nurtured by scripture, tradition and reason, through prayer, and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are the church of Jesus Christ in her fullness ? local, universal, and inclusive, and with a variety of gifts for ministry.
Come, visit us and experience the miracle of sacramental community. Join with Historic St. George’s Church, the Episcopal Church of love and grace on North Ferry Street in the Stockade District of Schenectady, New York.

Clergy and Staff
Robert McCloskey, Administrative Assistant & Financial Secretary
Jeffrey Wengrovius, Treasurer
Jonathan Pearson, Webmaster